Ansible проблемы при написании первого плейбука?

— — hosts: host become: yes become_method: sudo become_user: user tasks: — name: Create test dir file: > path={{ item }} state=directory with_items: — ./ansibletest — name: Create test file file: > path={{ item }} state=touch with_items: — ./ansibletest/test.txt — shell: echo «test» > ./ansibletest/test.txt — shell: cat ./ansibletest/test.txt register: out — debug: var=out.stdout_lines — name: Copy to WWW root copy: > src={{ item }} dest=/var/www/ force=yes owner=www-data mode=0755 with_items: — ./ansibletest/test.txt — name: View ls -l /var/www shell: ls -l /var/www/ register: out — debug: var=out.stdout_lines
Вывод в консоли:
$ ansible-playbook ~/test.yml PLAY [host] ****************************************************************** TASK [setup] ******************************************************************* ok: [] TASK [Create test dir] ********************************************************* ok: [] => (item=./ansibletest) TASK [Create test file] ******************************************************** changed: [] => (item=./ansibletest/test.txt) TASK [command] ***************************************************************** changed: [] TASK [command] ***************************************************************** changed: [] TASK [debug] ******************************************************************* ok: [] => { «out.stdout_lines»: [ «test» ] } TASK [Copy to WWW root] ******************************************************** failed: [] (item=./ansibletest/test.txt) => {«failed»: true, «item»: "./ansibletest/test.txt", «msg»: «Unable to find './ansibletest/test.txt' in expected paths.»} to retry, use: --limit @/home/user/test.retry PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* ok=6 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=1
Во-первых: нет запроса sudo привилегий (а должен быть?).
«Unable to find './ansibletest/test.txt' in expected paths.»
Я это ЕБ@@ЕЕ сообщение не могу 3 часа победить… Как я только пути не прописывал — не работает…

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