Как обновить 2003std до 2008std в случае ошибки 0xc0000005 после перезагрузки?
Случилось так, что просто очень необходимо обновить терминальный сервер с 2003std на 2008std. С лицензиями проблем нет, но вот не хочет обновляться — после перезагрузки ругается на недоступность источников установки.
Пробовал в безопасном режиме — бесполезно, со включенным или отключенным AHCI — бесполезно, в режиме эмуляции IDE — бесполезно. В логе установки setuperr.log пишет:
2017-01-11 10:28:26, Error [0x080266] MIG GAC data store: failure while loading the fusion DLL. (hr = 0x80131700)[gle=0x00000002]
2017-01-11 10:30:59, Error [0x08081e] MIG Failed to load manifest at C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\dlmanifests\errorreportingfaults-dl.man: class UnBCL::XmlException: hResult = 0x0, Line = 2, Position = 134;..
void __thiscall UnBCL::XmlDocument::Load(class UnBCL::String *)
2017-01-11 10:58:15, Error [0x080266] MIG GAC data store: failure while loading the fusion DLL. (hr = 0x80131700)[gle=0x00000002]
2017-01-11 11:04:07, Error [0x080266] MIG GAC data store: failure while loading the fusion DLL. (hr = 0x80131700)[gle=0x00000002]
2017-01-11 11:04:36, Error [0x08071d] MIG CDownlevelOCStore::GetOCCollection, Failed to load C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\dlmanifests\errorreportingfaults-dl.man.: class UnBCL::XmlException: hResult = 0x0, Line = 2, Position = 134;..
void __thiscall UnBCL::XmlDocument::Load(class UnBCL::String *)
2017-01-11 11:04:38, Error [0x080266] MIG GAC data store: failure while loading the fusion DLL. (hr = 0x80131700)[gle=0x00000002]
2017-01-11 11:06:09, Error [0x08081e] MIG Failed to load manifest at C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\dlmanifests\errorreportingfaults-dl.man: class UnBCL::XmlException: hResult = 0x0, Line = 2, Position = 134;..
void __thiscall UnBCL::XmlDocument::Load(class UnBCL::String *)
2017-01-11 11:52:18, Error [0x064146] IBSLIB CSetupRollbackService::GetInstance «C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Rollback» already exists.
2017-01-11 11:52:18, Error [0x064188] IBSLIB RollbackInitialize: threw exception.: class UnBCL::ArgumentException: Directory «C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Rollback» exists, but it is not empty…
__thiscall OSRollbackService::CCheckpointImpressario::CCheckpointImpressario(const unsigned short *,class OSRollbackService::CCheckpointSequence *,int)
2017-01-11 11:53:03, Error [0x0641ac] IBSLIB RollbackSetCheckpoint: Rollback hasn't yet been initialized (for this boot)
2017-01-11 11:55:01, Error [0x064188] IBSLIB RollbackReinitialize: threw exception.: class UnBCL::Win32Exception: (no exception message provided).
class UnBCL::String *__thiscall OSRollbackService::CCheckpointImpressario::ReadCheckpoint(const unsigned short *)
2017-01-11 11:55:17, Error [0x0641ac] IBSLIB RollbackSetCheckpoint: Rollback hasn't yet been initialized (for this boot)
2017-01-11 12:08:55, Error [0x0641ac] IBSLIB RollbackSetCheckpoint: Rollback hasn't yet been initialized (for this boot)
2017-01-11 12:08:55, Error [0x080762] MIG RunInPlaceDelayedMove: Failed to set checkpoint
2017-01-11 12:08:55, Error [0x0800d3] MIG Callback_GatherWinPE: In-place transport delayed move failed
2017-01-11 12:10:59, Error [0x064188] IBSLIB RollbackReinitialize: threw exception.: class UnBCL::Win32Exception: (no exception message provided).
class UnBCL::String *__thiscall OSRollbackService::CCheckpointImpressario::ReadCheckpoint(const unsigned short *)
2017-01-11 12:11:14, Error [0x0641ac] IBSLIB RollbackSetCheckpoint: Rollback hasn't yet been initialized (for this boot)
2017-01-11 12:11:14, Error [0x0800c5] MIG Callback_GatherWinPE: Failed to save hives[gle=0x000000b7]
2017-01-11 12:11:15, Error [0x0641ac] IBSLIB RollbackSetCheckpoint: Rollback hasn't yet been initialized (for this boot)
2017-01-11 12:11:36, Error [0x0600af] IBS SetupUICallback: Error applying X:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\System.EnterpriseServices\ GLE [3][gle=0x00000003]
2017-01-11 12:11:36, Error [0x0600a1] IBS LayDownImage:WIMApplyImage failed.[gle=0x00000003]
2017-01-11 12:11:36, Error [0x060096] IBS PrepareImageTransfer:An error occurred while laying down the image; GLE = 0x3
2017-01-11 12:11:36, Error [0x060082] IBS CallBack_ImageTransfer:Failed to lay down the image; GLE = 0x3
2017-01-11 12:11:36, FatalError [0x090001] PANTHR Unhandled exception (code 0xC0000005: ACCESS_VIOLATION) occurred at 0x7483806E in X:\$Windows.~BT\sources\WinSetup.dll (+0012806E).
Если сервер перезагрузить, последнее сообщение повторяется:
2017-01-11 12:13:16, Error [0x064188] IBSLIB RollbackReinitialize: threw exception.: class UnBCL::Win32Exception: (no exception message provided).
class UnBCL::String *__thiscall OSRollbackService::CCheckpointImpressario::ReadCheckpoint(const unsigned short *)
2017-01-11 12:13:32, Error [0x0641ac] IBSLIB RollbackSetCheckpoint: Rollback hasn't yet been initialized (for this boot)
2017-01-11 12:13:32, Error [0x0800c5] MIG Callback_GatherWinPE: Failed to save hives[gle=0x000000b7]
2017-01-11 12:13:33, Error [0x0641ac] IBSLIB RollbackSetCheckpoint: Rollback hasn't yet been initialized (for this boot)
2017-01-11 12:13:54, Error [0x0600af] IBS SetupUICallback: Error applying X:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\System.EnterpriseServices\ GLE [3][gle=0x00000003]
2017-01-11 12:13:54, Error [0x0600a1] IBS LayDownImage:WIMApplyImage failed.[gle=0x00000003]
2017-01-11 12:13:54, Error [0x060096] IBS PrepareImageTransfer:An error occurred while laying down the image; GLE = 0x3
2017-01-11 12:13:54, Error [0x060082] IBS CallBack_ImageTransfer:Failed to lay down the image; GLE = 0x3
2017-01-11 12:13:54, FatalError [0x090001] PANTHR Unhandled exception (code 0xC0000005: ACCESS_VIOLATION) occurred at 0x7456806E in X:\$Windows.~BT\sources\WinSetup.dll (+0012806E).
И перезагружать можно сколько угодно раз — всё время ошибка одна и та же. В принципе, я готов переставить систему с нуля, но надо поднять море профилей пользователей с их настройками и сетевыми принтерами, которые расставлены как попало. Многие работают с терминалами Tonk, принтеры у них IP и переставить всю эту ораву — работа на несколько дней :( Помогите!
Пробовал в безопасном режиме — бесполезно, со включенным или отключенным AHCI — бесполезно, в режиме эмуляции IDE — бесполезно. В логе установки setuperr.log пишет:
2017-01-11 10:28:26, Error [0x080266] MIG GAC data store: failure while loading the fusion DLL. (hr = 0x80131700)[gle=0x00000002]
2017-01-11 10:30:59, Error [0x08081e] MIG Failed to load manifest at C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\dlmanifests\errorreportingfaults-dl.man: class UnBCL::XmlException: hResult = 0x0, Line = 2, Position = 134;..
void __thiscall UnBCL::XmlDocument::Load(class UnBCL::String *)
2017-01-11 10:58:15, Error [0x080266] MIG GAC data store: failure while loading the fusion DLL. (hr = 0x80131700)[gle=0x00000002]
2017-01-11 11:04:07, Error [0x080266] MIG GAC data store: failure while loading the fusion DLL. (hr = 0x80131700)[gle=0x00000002]
2017-01-11 11:04:36, Error [0x08071d] MIG CDownlevelOCStore::GetOCCollection, Failed to load C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\dlmanifests\errorreportingfaults-dl.man.: class UnBCL::XmlException: hResult = 0x0, Line = 2, Position = 134;..
void __thiscall UnBCL::XmlDocument::Load(class UnBCL::String *)
2017-01-11 11:04:38, Error [0x080266] MIG GAC data store: failure while loading the fusion DLL. (hr = 0x80131700)[gle=0x00000002]
2017-01-11 11:06:09, Error [0x08081e] MIG Failed to load manifest at C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\dlmanifests\errorreportingfaults-dl.man: class UnBCL::XmlException: hResult = 0x0, Line = 2, Position = 134;..
void __thiscall UnBCL::XmlDocument::Load(class UnBCL::String *)
2017-01-11 11:52:18, Error [0x064146] IBSLIB CSetupRollbackService::GetInstance «C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Rollback» already exists.
2017-01-11 11:52:18, Error [0x064188] IBSLIB RollbackInitialize: threw exception.: class UnBCL::ArgumentException: Directory «C:\$WINDOWS.~BT\Sources\Rollback» exists, but it is not empty…
__thiscall OSRollbackService::CCheckpointImpressario::CCheckpointImpressario(const unsigned short *,class OSRollbackService::CCheckpointSequence *,int)
2017-01-11 11:53:03, Error [0x0641ac] IBSLIB RollbackSetCheckpoint: Rollback hasn't yet been initialized (for this boot)
2017-01-11 11:55:01, Error [0x064188] IBSLIB RollbackReinitialize: threw exception.: class UnBCL::Win32Exception: (no exception message provided).
class UnBCL::String *__thiscall OSRollbackService::CCheckpointImpressario::ReadCheckpoint(const unsigned short *)
2017-01-11 11:55:17, Error [0x0641ac] IBSLIB RollbackSetCheckpoint: Rollback hasn't yet been initialized (for this boot)
2017-01-11 12:08:55, Error [0x0641ac] IBSLIB RollbackSetCheckpoint: Rollback hasn't yet been initialized (for this boot)
2017-01-11 12:08:55, Error [0x080762] MIG RunInPlaceDelayedMove: Failed to set checkpoint
2017-01-11 12:08:55, Error [0x0800d3] MIG Callback_GatherWinPE: In-place transport delayed move failed
2017-01-11 12:10:59, Error [0x064188] IBSLIB RollbackReinitialize: threw exception.: class UnBCL::Win32Exception: (no exception message provided).
class UnBCL::String *__thiscall OSRollbackService::CCheckpointImpressario::ReadCheckpoint(const unsigned short *)
2017-01-11 12:11:14, Error [0x0641ac] IBSLIB RollbackSetCheckpoint: Rollback hasn't yet been initialized (for this boot)
2017-01-11 12:11:14, Error [0x0800c5] MIG Callback_GatherWinPE: Failed to save hives[gle=0x000000b7]
2017-01-11 12:11:15, Error [0x0641ac] IBSLIB RollbackSetCheckpoint: Rollback hasn't yet been initialized (for this boot)
2017-01-11 12:11:36, Error [0x0600af] IBS SetupUICallback: Error applying X:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\System.EnterpriseServices\ GLE [3][gle=0x00000003]
2017-01-11 12:11:36, Error [0x0600a1] IBS LayDownImage:WIMApplyImage failed.[gle=0x00000003]
2017-01-11 12:11:36, Error [0x060096] IBS PrepareImageTransfer:An error occurred while laying down the image; GLE = 0x3
2017-01-11 12:11:36, Error [0x060082] IBS CallBack_ImageTransfer:Failed to lay down the image; GLE = 0x3
2017-01-11 12:11:36, FatalError [0x090001] PANTHR Unhandled exception (code 0xC0000005: ACCESS_VIOLATION) occurred at 0x7483806E in X:\$Windows.~BT\sources\WinSetup.dll (+0012806E).
Если сервер перезагрузить, последнее сообщение повторяется:
2017-01-11 12:13:16, Error [0x064188] IBSLIB RollbackReinitialize: threw exception.: class UnBCL::Win32Exception: (no exception message provided).
class UnBCL::String *__thiscall OSRollbackService::CCheckpointImpressario::ReadCheckpoint(const unsigned short *)
2017-01-11 12:13:32, Error [0x0641ac] IBSLIB RollbackSetCheckpoint: Rollback hasn't yet been initialized (for this boot)
2017-01-11 12:13:32, Error [0x0800c5] MIG Callback_GatherWinPE: Failed to save hives[gle=0x000000b7]
2017-01-11 12:13:33, Error [0x0641ac] IBSLIB RollbackSetCheckpoint: Rollback hasn't yet been initialized (for this boot)
2017-01-11 12:13:54, Error [0x0600af] IBS SetupUICallback: Error applying X:\Windows\assembly\GAC_32\System.EnterpriseServices\ GLE [3][gle=0x00000003]
2017-01-11 12:13:54, Error [0x0600a1] IBS LayDownImage:WIMApplyImage failed.[gle=0x00000003]
2017-01-11 12:13:54, Error [0x060096] IBS PrepareImageTransfer:An error occurred while laying down the image; GLE = 0x3
2017-01-11 12:13:54, Error [0x060082] IBS CallBack_ImageTransfer:Failed to lay down the image; GLE = 0x3
2017-01-11 12:13:54, FatalError [0x090001] PANTHR Unhandled exception (code 0xC0000005: ACCESS_VIOLATION) occurred at 0x7456806E in X:\$Windows.~BT\sources\WinSetup.dll (+0012806E).
И перезагружать можно сколько угодно раз — всё время ошибка одна и та же. В принципе, я готов переставить систему с нуля, но надо поднять море профилей пользователей с их настройками и сетевыми принтерами, которые расставлены как попало. Многие работают с терминалами Tonk, принтеры у них IP и переставить всю эту ораву — работа на несколько дней :( Помогите!
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